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Hormonal changes are a common cause of changes in vision quality. This is most often the case for women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Impaired vision in pregnancy affects up to 10 percent of women. Can vision problems go away on their own, and what should future mothers look out for?

The natural water retention in the expectant mother’s body affects the visual impairment. “During pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are major hormonal changes, which result, among other things, in the retention of fluids in the body. For example, it can accumulate in the cornea or ocular lens. This can then manifest itself in a dioptric defect or its change,” said Pavel Stodůlka, chief surgeon of the Gemini Eye Clinics network. Women who have had vision problems before pregnancy should pay special attention to their eyesight. They are more likely to experience visual impairment.

In expectant mothers, the following may occur:

  • increase in myopia, the curvature of the eye, but also farsightedness; 
  • fluctuating image blur in patients with gestational diabetes;
  • dry eye syndrome – burning of the eyes with excessive tearing, irritation to redness of the eye
  • temporarily poorer tolerance of contact lenses 

Laser eye surgery during pregnancy and lactation

Doctors do not recommend laser eye surgery during pregnancy or lactation. The measurement of dioptric values may not be accurate. In addition, the procedure could stress the future mother out. Medications taken after the procedure could also harm the fetus. “Women in advanced pregnancy are advised to postpone the procedure until after childbirth. However, women who are just planning pregnancy do not have to worry about surgery. Pregnancy itself and subsequent childbirth are not risky for women who have already undergone laser surgery. If the eye defect changes after pregnancy and childbirth, the diopters can be removed again with an additional laser procedure. As part of the lifetime warranty, the patient does not have to pay for any additional vision correction,” said Pavel Stodůlka.


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