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Traveling can be very demanding on your body, whether you spend hours behind the wheel, on a bus, or a plane. Together with the health care facility Fyzioklinika, we have summarized several tips to make this time more pleasant and prevent the unpleasant feeling of your “broken body” after a tiring journey.


Before traveling, it is a good idea to adjust your seat so that the correct angle between the backrest and seat is maintained, optimally in the range of 95 to 100 degrees. “With such an upright seat, the driver best perceives the car’s behavior, possibly facing fatigue or even microsleep, and is effectively protected by the seat belt. The correct distance between the seat and the steering wheel can be measured simply by stretching out your arm – your hand should touch the upper edge of the steering wheel with your wrist. Another important element of the seat is the headrest. Its upper edge must not be lower than the line of the passenger’s ear. Only then it reduces the tension of the cervical spine and shoulders muscles and is safe support for the neck and head,” recommended Iva Bílková, the physiotherapist.


Prolonged driving can cause burning and drying of the eyes. Artificial tears can relieve your eyes and improve your traffic concentration. “It is important to hydrate the eyes regularly even before a person feels dry eye symptoms. Applying artificial tears without preservatives can prevent unpleasant symptoms or relieve the eyes. For a longer route, we, therefore, recommend that people with drier eyes pack artificial tears with them in the car and apply one or two drops to each eye at the rest stop,” pointed out Pavel Stodůlka.


Set the correct temperature in the vehicle and avoid excessive use of the air conditioning. Also, remember to adjust the vents correctly so that the airflow is not directed directly at your eyes. The difference between outdoor and air-conditioned temperatures should be a maximum of five degrees Celsius. “Adjusting the nozzles for the air supply becomes the pitfall of the air conditioning in the car. Directing them directly to the face may make us feel better in the heat, but the eyes will not thank you. There is a risk of burning, cutting, and itching of the eyes. The eyes should set the flow of cooled air upwards on the windshield. Last, we should not underestimate air conditioning maintenance and regular filter replacement. Clogged filters limit airflow and can lead to the multiplication of bacteria and unwanted microorganisms,” said Pavel Stodůlka, chief surgeon of the Gemini Eye Clinic network.


Take short breaks to stretch your body while driving—ideally, every 45 minutes. A simple exercise is the so-called drawer, during which you slowly pull your chin back and pull yourself up to the ceiling, breathe freely, and do not raise your shoulders. When waiting in line or at a traffic light, when you don’t need to hold the steering wheel, try straightening your spine with your shoulders back by pushing your hands away from your thighs.


Take short breaks to stretch your body while driving—ideally, every 45 minutes. A simple exercise is the so-called drawer, during which you slowly pull your chin back and pull yourself up to the ceiling, breathe freely, and do not raise your shoulders. 

When waiting in line or at a traffic light, when you don’t need to hold the steering wheel, try straightening your spine with your shoulders back by pushing your hands away from your thighs.



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