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Unpleasant itching, tearing, swollen eyes, foreign body sensation, burning, cutting or redness of the eyes are all signs of eye allergy. The most common manifestation of eye allergy is conjunctivitis. Eye allergy is most commonly associated with hay fever. Although conjunctivitis occurs most frequently during the spring, it can occur throughout the year.

There are several ways to get rid of unpleasant eye allergies, or at least partially relieve your eyes from them. It is important to avoid eye contact with the allergen. For example, in pollen allergy, sunglasses can help to keep at least part of the allergen out of the eyes. It is also advisable to rinse your eyes with cold water. Eye drops containing antihistamines and substances that reduce redness and swelling will help to reduce acute symptoms. Cold compresses favorably affect swollen lids. In the case of itching, allergic individuals tend to rub their eyes. However, this can make things worse for rubbing your eyes can release even more irritants. Therefore, it is good to avoid eye contact.

One can become allergic at any time of their life, so many people do not even realize from the beginning that they are allergic. However, hesitating with treatment may not pay off. If a person feels that they have an eye allergy, they should visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. In most cases, prescribed eye drops or medications suppress unpleasant symptoms at least should they not be completely eliminated. However, long-term untreated eye allergies can lead to serious complications where the allergic inflammation also affects the cornea. This can even lead to severe eye damage, with permanent effects on the quality of vision.



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