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In exceptional cases, diopters may reappear after laser eye surgery. However, this does not mean an ophthalmologist’s mistake or the procedure failure. Why is that so?

The ophthalmologist always works with the patient’s current state of health. After the procedure and healing, the patient has zero diopters. However, the eye is an organ like any other. It is evolving and aging. Therefore, if the patient tends to increase diopters for some reason, then they may partially return. Therefore, if the dioptric defect is not stable, the eye doctor will recommend postponing eye surgery. The increase should not be more than a quarter of a diopter per year.

In which cases can diopters partially return?

  • in young patients undergoing growth
  • often in students and workers who put excessive strain on the eyes
  • in women during pregnancy or breastfeeding as a result of hormonal changes

The Gemini Eye Clinic also offers the option of a lifetime warranty for laser eye surgery with the LASIK ReLEx Smile and 7D DIAMANT LASIK methods. Correction of dioptric defect is included in the price of the procedure, if necessary.


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